7 days to die trader custom spawn
7 days to die trader custom spawn

7 days to die trader custom spawn

  • Traders now have more basic materials for building.
  • Grass spawns reduced for better performance/easier to see things.
  • Writing Desk, Ink and Quill available! Used together, these halve the cost of creating skill books and class papers.
  • 7 Day hordes re-done (less game stages so difficulty should ramp up faster and ferals appear sooner).
  • They generally do not die immediately after spawning the first time in the.
  • Bomber zombies added! These buggers are designed to tear your base to bits. Within a few days each year, these runs are fairly predictable as to course.
  • Junction box added for invisible wires.
  • Added to the trader window (under restock time).
  • Time REMOVED from under the compass and on the map.
  • Larger player-crafted storage (kitchen cabinets, lockable!).
  • Guards added to the trader, with a Guard Captain NPC! Talk to them to buy quest starters, which can earn you skill notes! (Single player only due to server bugs).
  • Trader’s are no longer protected! Take care of your local business!.
  • spawned yet or he was killed/fate failed and will spawn in a few days.
  • Steel crossbow added that takes steel, exploding and titanium bolts. it Ixion ffxiv Ffxiv ixion fate tracker Ffxiv ixion spawn tracker Ffxiv.
  • Lockpicks added! Now you can lockpick all safes and most doors.
  • The Advanced Forge (required to smelt steel, but no fuel needed!), the Mortar and Pestle and two workbenches! There is also the rare, loot-only, Lathe!
  • Working sinks and ovens! Both types craftable, so pick whichever matches your kitchen.
  • Sterile Bandage! New healing item to fill the void between normal Bandages and First Aid Bandages.
  • Here’s a guide to each area and what can be found.
  • Tree sap is now a thing! Try left-clicking on non-dead trees with jars or bowls… 7 Days to Die features a large world map split into multiple Biomes from deserts, snowy forests, to irradiated wastelands.
  • Sticks and Sharp Stones have also made a return!
  • Arrows can now use cloth fragments instead of feathers.
  • Gun crafting! Gun parts are back and require the rare, find-only Lathe to be crafted.
  • After that open rwgmixer.

    7 days to die trader custom spawn how to#

    xml If you don't know how to export & create mesh, just search here or on the official forum.

    7 days to die trader custom spawn 7 days to die trader custom spawn

    4 new guns! P225 Pistol, AR-15 Automatic Rifle, Winchester Rifle and CAWS Automatic Shotgun. 3:23pm You must to export it well to have 5 files.Craftable Small Engines and Lead Batteries!.Clay bowls are back, and used for more than just pretty plants!.

    7 days to die trader custom spawn